Bringing Real Expertise to the BoE

Build It:

I have proven expertise leading complex teams. I translate big goals into actionable plans with measurable results. And not by cutting costs or with short term “bright shiny objects”. It’s about working together to build the strongest schools in the world for the best generation of humans.

Own It:

Public schools matter. I’m doing this for every working parent and caregiver who wants to raise their child in Chicago. I’m doing this for our city to thrive because our humans will love to learn and believe they are worth the investment. I’m a proud CPS momma. And I’m a proud wife of an Iraq war Army officer veteran. Service matters. Education matters. Public education saves lives and changes lives. It made me who I am. It’s my duty to serve on the Board of Education.

Grow It:

I never want to think I’m the smartest person in the room. My approach is to prioritize real subject matter experts and those closest to the work, get the most accurate information on need and impact, and build a sustainable system of governance across CPS.


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Meet Kimberly Brown