Meet Kimberly
Meet Kimberly right now on your own time. No fancy production team. No edits. No scripts. Just Kimberly as she is because she believes that being her authentic self is exactly what CPS Board of Education needs. And she’s been listening to community for years and specifically the last 8 months for this election, and this is what you want.
Democracy is Running, Even if You Don’t Win
Democracy isn’t about running only when you know you’re going to win. It’s about running because we have the right and obligation to offer our expertise and service. The more local and regular people who run, the better off our communities and country will be.
5 Hours to Vote Yesterday, so I bring the Coffee & Tea
Watch Us in Action at LPHS (from Oct 23)
CPS forum at LPHS on Oct 23 with multiple neighborhood associations.
CPS Needs Better Pedestrian Safety
Parents and citizens across the city want safe access to schools. As a Board of Education leader, Kimberly Brown would make this a District-wide initiative. Pedestrian upgrades are designed to meet the safety needs of an individual school. Typically improvements include curb bump outs, raised crosswalks, and refuge islands.
Our Schools, Our Future. We’re All Involved! (Kids or No Kids!)
Did you know that over 50% of your tax dollars go towards education? That's a huge investment in our community's future. Whether you have kids in the district or not, your voice matters. Let's work together to ensure our schools have the best leadership.
Actions Speak Louder Than Words
My answer is and has always been that actions speak louder than words. Look at what people do (and follow the money), and they'll always tell you who they really are.
Fact-Check: If Ellen Wins, Karen Will Probably Get Appointed
If Ellen wins, Karen will be appointed because they live in opposite sides of the district. Election law details matter more than candidate marketing. Get the facts.
Kimberly Rated “Highly Qualified” by Coalition Voter Project
Kimberly Brown On-Record Supporting Libraries in School
Why the First-Ever Elected Chicago School Board Matters
We Need Your Voice
Activate Your Network: Get Out the Vote Training